Head Water Massage
This relaxing experience uses water, rhythmic, and circular motions to create a deep relaxing and rejuvenating effect. Leaving the scalp and hair feeling refreshed, hydrated, and revitalized.
This service includes basic facial, head water massage and blow dry.

Conditioning Steam Detox Upgrade
Adding steam to your conditioning treatment will enhance absorption, improve scalp health moisture retention, detox hair and scalp.
This relaxing service maximizes the effectiveness of the conditioner to make your haor healthier, shinier, and more vibrant.

Aloe Vera Rosemary Water & Hot Oil Treatment
This treatment is formulated to stimulate hair growth, prevent hair loss, and prevent breakage, split ends, all while improving scalp health, and strengthening hair. The soothing benefits for your scalp and the antiinflammatory compound help to restore lost shine and hair elasticity.
$55 *recommended monthly

Ear Candling
An alternative therapy that involves inserting a hollow, cone-shape candle into the ear canal. The candle is typically made of fabric coated in wax and it is lit at the opposite end.
Draws out earwax, debris, and impurities from the ear.

Flat Iron or Curl Styling
After your blow dry receive a flat iron style.

Paraffin Wax

Warm paraffin wax added to hands or feet will prevent cracking, supports skin health, stress relief, improve circulation, increases relaxation, provides better moisturization, and soothes skin irritation. Relives pain and stiffness soothes soreness

Warm Lotion

Warm lotion added to hands or feet will improve circulation, increases relaxation, provides better moisturization, and soothes skin irritation.
Satisfaction Guarantee
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